Staff Member: Rev. Andrew C. Nguyen

Rev. Andrew C. Nguyen

Phone: 408-363-2305
Email: Click Here to Email

My mother and our six siblings left Vietnam when I was 13, shortly after our father’s passing, and we have been in San Jose ever since.  I graduated from Andrew Hill High School, U.C. Davis, and St. Patrick’s Seminary.  I was ordained along with my two friends on June 4th, 2011.  I served at these churches during my seminary years: St. Joseph of Cupertino, Holy Spirit, Queen of Apostles, and St. Justin.  Then, as a priest at these communities: St. Christopher Parish, Our Lady of La Vang Parish, and St. Thomas of Canterbury.  In addition to parish ministry, I was happy helping with the Vocations Office during the past three years.  I am very grateful to all the people whom I have been fortunate to encounter at these places.  I continue to thank God as I am led to meet next to all of you at St. Maria Goretti, my home parish, where my family and I have been members ever since coming to the U.S. in 1993.  I am connected with you in prayers since I heard the news of my assignment, and looking forward to connecting with you in real life soon.  May God continue to bless all of us.

Photo of Rev. Andrew C. Nguyen