Frequently asked Questions
What is the process for my child to be baptized?
The first step is to schedule a Baptismal Interview. Parents should call the parish office at least two (2) months before the intended date of Baptism to schedule an appointment to complete the Baptismal application and to reserve dates for pre-baptismal classes and for the Baptism. Parents must bring their child’s Birth Certificate to the interview.
After the Baptismal Interview a Pre-baptismal Class must be attended. Parents and godparents must attend a pre-baptismal class before the Baptism of their child. If you are unable to attend the class(es) your child’s Baptism will be postponed to another date. Parents and godparents must attend both classes. We ask that parents seek daycare services for their children while they are attending the classes out of courtesy to the presenter and to those attending the class.
How old can my child be in order to be baptized?
Children may be baptized as an infant up until their 7th birthday. If the child is older than seven (7) years old, they need to attend the RCIA sessions to prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism. Please call the Religious Education office at (408) 363-2300 ext. 1009 for more information on registration.
What is required from the parents and Godparents in order to baptize my child?
Parents – It is desirable that the parents are married by the Catholic Church before the Baptism of their child. If they are not married by the Catholic Church but intend on preparing for a sacramental marriage, we recommend you speak with one of the priests of our parish. Also, parents are asked to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days.
Godparents must be 18-years-old or older, baptized Catholic, have received First Communion, be Confirmed and attend Mass on Sundays and holy days. If the godparents are married, they must be married in the Catholic Church. If sponsors come from out of town, they may take the pre-baptismal classes from another Catholic Parish and provide documentation from the Parish indicating that they have attended pre-baptismal classes.
On what day may I celebrate the baptism of my child?
Here at St. Maria Goretti the Baptismal celebrations are held the First and Third Saturday of each month. Please contact our office to confirm the scheduled times.
What is the standard offering for baptizing my child?
Please call the Parish Office at (408)363-2300 for further information.
Parents who ask to have their infant(s)/child baptized need to make an appointment with the parish office. Sessions for Baptismal Preparation are scheduled once the parents of the child have been interviewed.