To prepare for Confirmation at St. Maria Goretti, we ask that our youth experience two years of religious education through our parish Catechetical Program prior to celebrating their Confirmation. Preparation for this sacrament normally begins when the youth is a freshman in high school, with the anticipation that they will celebrate the sacrament during their sophmore year, as it is a two-year process. Typically the sacrament is typically celebrated during the Easter season of the second year in formation.
The goals preparing candidates for Confirmation are:
- To lead teens into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
- To develop a deeper understanding, appreciation and active participation in the Eucharist.
- To understand the major symbols of the sacrament and their meaning.
- To foster personal spiritual growth as well as participate in communal worship.
- To encourage a sense of discipleship and life of service both within the parish community and the wider community.
Participants preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation for Catholics over age 18 are invited to explore their own journey of faith, the sacramental and pastoral life of our parish, and to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Please contact our Catechetical Office for more information.
English & Spanish: 408-363-2300 x 1009
Vietnamese: 408-363-2300 x 1010